2014年7月13日 星期日

Routine Meeting Time (Updated: 2014/7/15)

Personal Meetings 

  • Weekly meeting: (During July 1--semester starts, if you are not available to come, we can rearrange the time or use Skype) 

  1. Tue. 9:00AM--12:00AM鈺財、依婷、友誠 (Updated: 2014/8/3)
  2. Tue. 1:00PM--2:20PM立愷&浩哲(專題二同學)、晉逵&志廷(專題二同學)(Updated: 2014/8/3)
  3. Tue. 2:30PM--3:50PM琮祐&弘毅(專題一同學)、宸皜&冠賢(專題一同學,進度加快)(Updated: 2014/8/3)
  4. Fri. 10:30AM--11:30AM:依婷(default Skype meeting) (Updated: 2014/8/3)
  • If a meeting cannot be finished on-time, it will be paused and postponed to a Skype meeting later, so as to prevent cascading delays. 
  • Please send your weekly meeting report to advisor's mailbox in 48 hours after the meeting. 

Lab meetings: We shall have a regular lab meeting for paper presentation and oral examination rehearsal. The lab meeting will start after the semester starts. Everyone must attend the lab meeting in situ (not through Skype!).

