2014年8月27日 星期三
2014年8月17日 星期日
2014年7月24日 星期四
Latest Announcements
- Due to an urgent paper preparation, we won't have weekly meeting in 2014/7/29. The weekly meeting will be postponed until 2014/8/5.
- We will have personal meeting as regular in 8/5. The meetings in August should be fixed at Tuesday.
- I-Ting would have personal meetings twice a week, at the scheduled time in every Tuesday, as well as a Skype meeting in every Friday, 10:30 AM -- 11:30 AM, so as to catch up with the progress.
- My master students, please prepare your 1" and 2" photo (一寸、二吋大頭照), a photocopy of your passbook cover (銀行或郵局存摺封面影本) to the 8/5 meeting!
- Lab lunch time&place: 8/26, 12:00PM, at 雅素齋自然人文生活館 (桃園縣中壢市興仁路一段81號)
- Participating members: 老師、鈺財、依婷、友誠、晉逵、志廷、宸皜、冠賢、弘毅、琮佑、徐皓 (Red-colored names are those who haven't send final confirmations to me. Please lemme know asap if your name is missing.)
2014/08/25 & 26
- For students who participated the course "無線感測網路上的安全協定 理論與實作," you need not come to our weekly private meeting this week (please mail me to lemme know beforehand that you will participate the course).
- The lab lunch is as announced above and unchanged.
- Summer camp place: Assemble at Room 606, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
- Summer camp schedule:
- Thurs. (8/28)
9AM -- 11AM: "Basic concepts, rules, and tools of researching"
11AM -- 12PM: Lunch - Fri. (8/29)
12PM -- 2PM: "On slide making and presentation skills" - Next week...
9AM -- 11AM: "Scientific writing basics"
11AM -- 12PM: Lunch
12PM -- 2PM: "Figure making in academic publications"
- We don't have meetings today, due to HTC visit affair. You may still come if you have anything to report.
2014年7月23日 星期三
Small LaTeX Tricks
- Use ~ to get a space without line-breaking.
- Manually set the number of a figure: Add "\setcounter{figure}{NUMBER}" right before the figure is inserted. This is useful for responses in journal revisions.
- Manually set the number of a subfigure: Add "\setcounter{subfigure}{NUMBER}" right before the figure is inserted. This is useful for responses in journal revisions.
- Place a figure without numbering: Include the caption package and use its \caption*{TITLE} command to replace \caption{TITLE} to get caption without numbering.
- Customize the page margins:
- Set all margins to the same value: \usepackage[margin=1.5cm]{geometry}
- Set each margin independently: \usepackage[left=1cm, right=2cm, top=1.5cm, bottom=1.2cm]{geometry}
- Intelligent references:
- Original syntax: "Figure~\ref{SOME_FIG} shows the result of Table~\ref{SOME_TABLE} in Section~\ref{SOME_SECTION}"; new syntax: "\Cref{SOME_FIG} shows the result of \Cref{SOME_TABLE} in \Cref{SOME_SECTION}"
- Preemble command: \usepackage{cleveref}.
- Use \Cref for capital reference names (e.g., Figure, Table, Section) and \cref for lower-case ones (e.g., figure, table, section).
- Change the document construct name, from such as "Algorithm" in the caption "Algorithm 3. Some Algorithm" to "Algo": \floatname{algorithm}{Algo}
- Use inline LaTeX equations in PowerPoint 2010 with real-time preview:
- Install MiKTeX: http://miktex.org
- Install powerpointtools: https://code.google.com/p/powerpointtools/
- If MiKTeX is 64-bit version, copy everything in installdir/bin/x64/ to installdir/bin/
- Launch PowerPoint 2010, and initialize the settings of powerpointtools:
- LaTeX tab -> Preferences -> General -> Use LaTeX service: MiKTeX Service
- LaTeX tab -> Preferences -> MiKTeX Service tab -> fill in installation directory of MiKTeX "C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9"
- Done!
- Remove the copyright block is the left bottom corner of the first page of ACM proceedings: Add the following code before \begin{document}:
- \makeatletter
\makeatother - Add color to LaTeX documents: \usepackage{color} {\color{red}要改的文字}
- Redefine color command for simpler usage (so that outer parenthesis is no longer needed): add \newcommand\blue[1]{{\color{blue}#1}} before ]begin{document}
- Adjust line spread and paragraph separation: Add
\setlength{\parindent}{4em} \setlength{\parskip}{1em} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{2.0} before \begin{document}
2014年7月18日 星期五
My Schedule for M.S. Students Thesis (for Students Joined at Sept. 2014) (DRAFT)
- Problem definition: 1.5 months, before Aug. 31, 2014 (Do also: Learn LaTeX)
- Literature review: 1 month, before Sep. 30, 2014 (Do also: Learn LaTeX)
- Solution design and proposal: 2 months, before Nov. 30, 2014
- Paper organization: 0.5 months, before Dec. 15, 2014
- Paper writing: 2 months, before Feb. 15, 2015
- Experimental studies: 3 months, before May 15, 2015 (Professor will finish revising the manuscript during this step)
- Thesis formatting: 0.5 months, before May 31, 2015 (Do also: journal submission)
- 1st round revision: 3 (review) + 2 (revision) months: before Oct. 31, 2015
- 2nd round revision: 3 (review) + 1 (revision) months: before Feb. 28, 2016 (Hope that paper will be accepted then.)
- If we're done in previous steps, you may take a rest before you graduate! (If not, we need to work a bit longer for a semester...)
2014年7月14日 星期一
Training Materials and Supplement Materials
Randy Pausch's talks
- A great talk on your life plan is HERE.
- Another great talk on your time scheduling strategies and techniques is HERE.
Slide-making techniques
- Death by Powerpoint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpvgfmEU2Ck
- Life after death by Powerpoint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIZDZ78fGWk
Recommended paper reading list (incomplete yet)
- Shvachko, K. et al. "The Hadoop Distributed File System," IEEE 26th Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), 2010.
- Zaharia, Matei, et al. "Spark: cluster computing with working sets." Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX conference on Hot topics in cloud computing. 2010.
- Fay Chang, et al. "Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data," ACM Transactions on Computing Systems 26, 2, Article 4, 2008.
- Jongmin Lee, et al. "Block recycling schemes and their cost-based optimization in nand flash memory based storage system," In Proceedings of the 7th ACM & IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), 2007.
- Kyoungmoon Sun et al. "LTFTL: lightweight time-shift flash translation layer for flash memory based embedded storage," In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), 2008.
- Xiaoyan Xiang et al. "A reliable B-tree implementation over flash memory," In Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2008.
- Jeong-Uk Kang et al. "A superblock-based flash translation layer for NAND flash memory," In Proceedings of the 6th ACM & IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), 2006.
- Yuan-Hao Chang, Po-Liang Wu, Tei-Wei Kuo, and Shih-Hao Hung. 2012. An adaptive file-system-oriented FTL mechanism for flash-memory storage systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2012.
- Guanying Wu and Xubin He, "Delta-FTL: improving SSD lifetime via exploiting content locality," In Proceedings of the 7th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), 2012.
Paper writing tools
- https://library.rit.edu/researchguides/disscalc/index.phtml
- LaTeX compiler distributions
- TeX live: https://www.tug.org/texlive/
- LaTeX source editors
- TeXstudio: http://texstudio.sourceforge.net/
- TeXnicCenter: http://www.texniccenter.org/
- Dictionary and spellcheckers (incomplete)
- WordWeb: http://wordweb.info/free/
- Reference managers
- Bibtex (included in TeX live)
- JabRef (front-end for bibtex): http://jabref.sourceforge.net/
- Figure-editing software
- CorelDRAW Technical Suite X6 (expensive commercial software, but it worths)
- View your desktop in list view (so as to stack more things in your desktop): http://code.google.com/p/desktoplistview/
- Misc. LaTeX tools and resources
- LaTeX tutorials
- "The not so short introduction to LaTeX2e," URL: tobi.oetiker.ch/lshort/lshort.pdf
- Detexify recognizes hand-written symbols and convert them into LaTeX commands.
- Detexify is an online tool and does not need to be downloaded.
- URL: http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html
- Latexdiff compares between two LaTeX source files and reports the differences (revisions) in different colors.
- Latexdiff is included in TeX live.
- URL: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/latexdiff
- Cleverref provides smart reference methods that will automatically recognize the type of the referred targets.
- Cleverref is included in TeX live.
- URL: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/cleveref
Good (and Free!) Learning Materials
Introduction of some data structures: http://www.eternallyconfuzzled.com/tuts/datastructures/jsw_tut_rbtree.aspx
2014年7月13日 星期日
Lab Rules
Respect the academic ethics. Be honest.
- No plagiarism. Be sure to include proper citations for information sources.
- No fake data. Never overclaim your results.
- Inquire the advisor if you are not sure if doing something is okay or not.
- Do not discuss your research with others without prior agreement from the advisor.
Maintain good lab habits and atmosphere.
- We don't welcome students who want to just "fool around" and "pass the course" to join our lab.
- We're democratic in our lab; feel free to challenge the advisor with knowledge and rationale!
- Feel free to let the advisor know if you are unhappy with the task assignment or the research instructions.
- Be friendly with your labmates even if they made some mistake unintentionally.
- Check your email at least once per day (suggested: twice per day, once in the morning and the other in the evening) Once you receive a mail from your advisor, please reply it with your confirmation.
- Take notes in meetings; mail the advisor a meeting report in 48 hours (suggested: 24 hours).
- Join the talks that advisor asked you to.
Help establish a strong and promising lab.
- Try your best to improve yourself and your works.
- Help share the assigned lab tasks.
Have a healthy, happy, and highly-promising M.S. or B.S. life!
- Have regular exercises and enough exercises.
- Love what you do, and do what you love.
- Plan your future now, no matter you will pursue a Ph.D. degree or industry jobs.
Routine Meeting Time (Updated: 2014/7/15)
Personal Meetings
Weekly meeting: (During July 1--semester starts, if you are not available to come, we can rearrange the time or use Skype)
- Tue. 9:00AM--12:00AM:鈺財、依婷、友誠 (Updated: 2014/8/3)
- Tue. 1:00PM--2:20PM:立愷&浩哲(專題二同學)、晉逵&志廷(專題二同學)(Updated: 2014/8/3)
- Tue. 2:30PM--3:50PM:琮祐&弘毅(專題一同學)、宸皜&冠賢(專題一同學,進度加快)(Updated: 2014/8/3)
- Fri. 10:30AM--11:30AM:依婷(default Skype meeting) (Updated: 2014/8/3)
- If a meeting cannot be finished on-time, it will be paused and postponed to a Skype meeting later, so as to prevent cascading delays.
- Please send your weekly meeting report to advisor's mailbox in 48 hours after the meeting.
Lab meetings: We shall have a regular lab meeting for paper presentation and oral examination rehearsal. The lab meeting will start after the semester starts. Everyone must attend the lab meeting in situ (not through Skype!).
Lab Members
Institute: Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Yuan Ze University (YZU), Taoyuan, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Lab Advisor
- Prof. Po-Chun Huang (黃柏鈞), Assistant Professor (pchuang AT saturn DOT yzu DOT edu DOT tw)
M.S. Students
- Yu-Tsai Lin (林鈺財) shakuganno AT gmail DOT com
- Yi-Ting Shih (施依婷) raymond.iting AT gmail DOT com
- Yu-Cheng Hsu (許友誠) joejoejoe60507 AT gmail DOT com
B.S. Students
- 林晉逵、徐志廷(專題四同學)<恭喜通過專題demo>
- 楊立愷
(專題四同學)<恭喜通過專題demo> - 林琮祐、張弘毅(專題三同學)
- 林宸皜、吳冠賢(專題三同學)
- 陳玟君、劉芸菲、簡鈺真、劉苡瑄、陳奕華、張哲瑋(專題二同學) <- 歡迎新同學!
About Us...
We are a group of enthusiastic researchers and students at Yuan Ze University that concentrate on the latest technologies and researches of data storage systems, in particular:
- Non-volatile memory management including flash memory, phase-change memory (PCM), mechanical hard disk, static/dynamic random-access memory (SRAM/DRAM), etc.
- Cloud storage system designs including
- High-level virtualized storage designs, e.g., space/bandwidth management, load balacing in time/device dimensions, etc.
- Low-level physical storage management and architectures, e.g., multiversion data index designs, data migration and replica management, redundancy management for performance/reliability optimization, etc.
- File system designs over diversified existing works FAT16/32, Ext2/3/4, NILFS2, YAFFS2, JFFS2, F2FS, HDFS (in Hadoop stack), Fuse, etc.
- Big data storage architecture that is designed to well fit the data access behaviors of the big data computing scenarios to optimize performance.
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