2014年7月18日 星期五

My Schedule for M.S. Students Thesis (for Students Joined at Sept. 2014) (DRAFT)

  1. Problem definition: 1.5 months, before Aug. 31, 2014 (Do also: Learn LaTeX)
  2. Literature review: 1 month, before Sep. 30, 2014 (Do also: Learn LaTeX)
  3. Solution design and proposal: 2 months, before Nov. 30, 2014
  4. Paper organization: 0.5 months, before Dec. 15, 2014
  5. Paper writing: 2 months, before Feb. 15, 2015
  6. Experimental studies: 3 months, before May 15, 2015 (Professor will finish revising the manuscript during this step)
  7. Thesis formatting: 0.5 months, before May 31, 2015 (Do also: journal submission)
  8. 1st round revision: 3 (review) + 2 (revision) months: before Oct. 31, 2015
  9. 2nd round revision: 3 (review) + 1 (revision) months: before Feb. 28, 2016 (Hope that paper will be accepted then.)
  10. If we're done in previous steps, you may take a rest before you graduate! (If not, we need to work a bit longer for a semester...)

